I boarded a bus late Friday evening and rode all night to attend the 8-28 RESTORING HONOR Rally in Washington DC. The rally has garnered its share of speculations and criticisms. Having been there, I have to tell you that it was nothing short of amazing. To see 500,000 like-minded Americans coming together, at this meaninful space, desiring the best for our country, was a powerful sight. I think we are such a fractured society, now, and many feel alone....that by ourselves, we each wonder what we could do to make any difference at all. The sheer number of attendees was encouraging to know that we are NOT alone. Not physically, not spiritually. The clarion call, that our nation return to our God, fell on very receptive ears. Something is happening in the very heavenlies. Great awakenings preceeded every significant movement in our country's history. Have you ever nailed down what you believe? Find the truth and STAND on it! Then expect miracles!
This rally was not political, nor racist, nor divisive...much of what the media was declaring, long before it even took place. A strong message was delivered, which is obviously resonating with many Americans. It has captured the endorsement of a wide assortment of American's faith leaders, as well. These are intelligent, men of integrity, who sense this message is on target and are publicly standing in support of this vision.
The Special Operations Warrior Foundation was featured, and presented with a very large gift. Please take time to read about SOWF! Every American is beholding to them. Here are some first hand pictures from a very inspiring gathering.
It was astounding to see the numbers of people streaming in! There were as many in front of me, as behind me, coming down two sets of sidewalks. This photo was taken just at the crest where the Washington monument is, looking towards the LIncoln Memorial (about a mile out there). By the time everyone was settled, the crowd extended clear back to the point where this picture was taken! I have never been in a crowd this large before...but it was an orderly, peaceful group.
This is Dr. Alveda KIng, neice to Martin Luther King. She was a very courageous woman, given the heat she took to be present at this rally, on the anniversary of her uncle's "I Have A Dream Speech". I was only about 1/4 of the way down the reflecting pool, but did not have a clear shot at seeing the 'stage' (which was the steps of the LIncoln Memorial), since I was under a row of trees. I saw most of the presenters by this jumbo-tron.
This was Glenn Beck praying at the opening of the event. Just before he came on, a perfect 'V" formation of geese flew right down the center of the reflecting pool, towards the Lincoln Memorial steps, then veered off to the left! The event was unable to have a military 'flyover'...more than one person speculated on the possibility that God sent His own flyover.....and the crowd went wild.
A comical t-shirt, worn by someone standing in front of me. This includes just about everyone!
And this (not my own shot), was an official aerial photo of the event in full swing. I can tell you, under the rows of trees, on both sides, were solid people as well. I know, because I was among them!
......times of testing are on the way. KNOW what you believe, so you may stand.
note to self: fly next time...that bus was wicked uncomfy!
note to my friend Sue P: yes! freeze dry for all-even Murrie and Lulu!